Software Engineering

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Software Engineers are computer science professionals who use their knowledge of programming/coding and engineering principles to create a software product. A software product can mean a:

  • Website 
  • Phone/web application,
  • Video game,
  • Social network platform
  • Chat room
  • Database, etc.

There are many types of software engineers, and depending on where you work, you might:

  • Work on different types of projects
  • Use different programming languages
  • Work in slightly different team-environments, etc.

Keep on reading below to understand Software Engineering within minutes.


What Do Software Engineers Do?

The goal of a software engineer is to create or improve a software product in the best, most efficient way possible for its users. There are many ways that a software engineer accomplishes this goal.

Some examples are:

  • Make changes to a software product based on user feedback.
  • Design, develop, and test an application or system (the thing that makes the application work, but is more “behind the scenes”).
  • Collaborate with team members like product managers, designers, other software engineers to create/improve software products.
  • Draw diagrams and models that help software engineers write the code for the system or application. Essentially create an outline before you write it out.
  • Take close note of the system or application in order to help those responsible for future maintenance.
  • Fix bugs in code that comes up.

Entry-level Software Engineer Project Walkthrough:

  • As an entry-level software engineer, you are assigned a project from your tech lead or manager.
  • The type of project varies and depends on the needs of the team. 
  • Each member of the team is in charge of certain parts of the software the team is developing.
  • Whether the task is implementing a new feature, dealing with client support, or fixing a bug, your task is expected to be completed by its deadline. 
  • You discuss the design specifications (aka an outline of how the software should work) with your product manager and/or senior team members to make sure it meets the goals, requirements, and needs. 
  • After this is complete and the team is on the same page, you develop the software/write the code (usually about 70% of your time is spent writing code for a specific project). 
  • Once the main part of the software is finished, you test it and have other engineers review your code.
  • After passing all the necessary tests, the software is put to use in the real world.

How do Software Engineers Create A Product?

Much like any software project, you:

  1. Draw out a high-level/basic design for the project and some sample cases. These sample cases might include plugging in hypothetical values you might expect to see, to get an idea of how the program runs.
  2. Then you spend some time developing an initial version that passes the high-level tests of your program (tests that are basic/obvious criteria for your program).
  3. After that you build out further features and fix bugs based on tests, until you have a pretty complete project.
  4. Finally you test it in a “Quality Assurance” (QA) type environment to make sure your software works on real inputs and is ready for release.

Software Engineers Across Various Industries:

There are software engineers in almost every industry because technological needs generate demand for people who can create software.


What exactly is the difference between a software engineer at a major tech firm versus a finance firm versus an autonomous vehicle manufacturer, etc?


Obviously the types of projects these individuals work on are different, but the day to day lives is not actually too different. Some differences however might include:

  • Might need to know different programming languages to more easily help them accomplish their unique tasks.
  • May have slightly different design processes they follow to prepare them to tackle the specific problems they solve regularly.
    • For example, someone who works at a Trading firm, and needs to ensure they receive the correct data needed to make good trades, codes very different programs than someone whose job is to create a vehicle to drive safely on the roads.

What exactly does it mean to use different programming languages?

  • A programming language is a way that a software engineer/developer can make the computer do what it wants.
  • Some programming languages are better suited for different tasks
    • Ex. if someone wants to do a data analysis project (where they try to make sense of a large data set, and come to some conclusion based on this data) they might prefer to use python which makes doing such projects easier.
    • Ex. If someone wants to create a game, C++ is a programming language they often use because it is very fast and is good for more complex projects (both of which are needed when making a video game!).

While most people do not start as superstars at solving any software problems, in any industry, the learning curve is steep.


So, when deciding which industry you’d like to create software in, it is a good idea to keep in mind the following:

  1. Do I know the necessary tools to solve the problems they solve daily? If not, how difficult is it for me to learn them?
  2. Am I interested in the type of problems they are solving?
  3. How similar are the technological problems this industry is solving compared with other industries? Are the requisite skills/experiences transferable to another industry?

Typical Software Hierarchy:

Usually, software engineers can take one of two career paths: move into a management role, or keep being entirely technical and code. Since management positions aren’t for everyone, many people prefer to stay on the technical path. Keep in mind, the below hierarchies (and specific titles) may vary depending on the company you work at.


An example of a technical software career path might look something like this:

  1. Intern
  2. Junior Software Developer
  3. Software Developer/Engineer
  4. Senior Software Engineer
  5. Principal Software Engineer
  6. Software Architect
  7. Senior Software Architect
  8. Chief Architect
  9. CTO 

Alternatively, for those engineers interested in a more leadership-oriented role, the career path might look like this:

  1. Intern
  2. Junior Software Developer
  3. Software Developer/Engineer
  4. Team Lead/Tech Lead
  5. Engineering Manager/Project Manager
  6. Senior Engineering Manager
  7. Director of Engineering
  8. VP of Engineering 1

What types of Software Engineers are out there?

There are software engineers in pretty much every industry. They could create the software products at Tech Companies, Finance Companies, etc. There are many ways to categorize software engineers, but one way is to differentiate between Front-End and Back-End:

  • Front-End Software Engineers – broadly speaking, creates software products for everything involved in what the user sees, including design.
  • Back-End Software Engineers – broadly speaking, creates software products for everything that makes the website or application work, update, or change. This typically refers to everything the user can’t see such as the databases and the servers.

Tools Software Engineers might use

  • Programming Languages – For coding. Most common for entry-level are C++, Python, Java
  • Command-Line in Terminal/Linux – Ways to use the command line to execute processes on your computer more quickly and efficiently. You can navigate through files, download apps, etc. with just one command instead of going through the whole multi-click process otherwise
  • Jira – Allows teams to mark issues/bugs, rank them in terms of urgency, and mark when complete. It also allows for more organized projects and tracking of an individual’s responsibilities. Ultimately, it consolidates a lot of information into one place for the entire team to see.
  • Git – When a developer works on a project he/she is constantly making changes to the program. Git allows you to constantly track those changes, and share them with the team. Additionally, it makes collaboration easier for software/programming projects.

Necessary Skills For Successful Software Engineers:

  • Programming Skills: most common for entry-level are C++, Java, and Python.
  • Understanding of operating systems (OS) and networks
  • Communication and teamwork skills because you work through problems/projects with Product Managers and/or other software engineers
  • Intellectually curious, because the learning curve for software never stops. There is always more you can learn from your peers.
  • Quick learner – oftentimes companies do not expect their new hires to know everything, however, learning quickly and getting the job done is essential
  • Ability to focus and be diligent – much (if not the grand majority) of the job involves putting your head down, and getting a program or project completed on time.

What are some challenges of Software Engineering?

While there are many benefits of working in Software, there are also some challenges:

  • At least 70% of your job is spent programming. While some find this very exciting and positive, some might find this repetitive and boring. So it is important that you are passionate about programming and solving those types of problems.
  • When things go wrong and there are bugs you need to fix, it is often frustrating to struggle through these types of problems (especially if they need correcting in a short amount of time).
  • While compensation and work-life balance in software are very good, sometimes it is easy to get too comfortable and you’ll find yourself in the same position for a long time. Although people certainly move up the seniority ladder, or switch to other firms and are promoted that way, it is possible to get stuck at a specific salary and level on the food chain.

What are some benefits of working in Software Engineering?

Software Engineering/Development is one of the most highly coveted careers in the world. People like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates were software superstars and changed the world with their products. Some benefits include:

  • Well compensated and often have great company benefits
  • Get to be on the ground, directly experiencing the rapidly growing and changing technology industry.
  • Have the opportunity to work with brilliant people and can learn a lot from working through interesting and exciting projects with your coworkers.
  • Usually a collaborative atmosphere because many people work together to complete a single project

Typical Software Engineer Salary?

The average entry-level base salary is usually 100-140k. Total compensation depends on where you work and how experienced you are. However, on average, total compensation is typically between 100-225k (which usually includes a stock/equity bonus in the company you work for). Compensation steadily increases over the years as you gain more experience and get promoted, but the rate in which your compensation increases is highly variable depending on where you work and your seniority level at your firm.


According to PayScale, the average Software Engineer makes about $110k.


Should I go into Software Engineering?

If you enjoy solving programming problems, want to use very transferable skills (like programming), and/or want to receive exposure to the rapidly expanding tech industry, you should consider looking into Software. It is an exciting career, that is well compensated, and has a great work-life balance. While the exit opportunities are not particularly broad in software engineering, you can lateral to pretty much any software related role (and those exist in almost every industry); there is always a demand for technologically skilled people. Additionally, becoming an expert in creating software products can prove extremely valuable down the line.

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